Who’s first?

Haiku of sibling rivalry

Rebeckah’s pregnant!
After all these years, Isaac’s
prayers have been answered!

Twins! The two children
fight it out within the womb.
Rebeckah’s anxious.

They are two nations,
says the Lord. The elder one
will serve the younger.

A time to be born.
The first boy was red, hairy.
They named him Esau.

The second emerged,
hand upon his brother’s heel.
They named him Jacob.

Esau the hunter,
loved by his dad; Jake, quiet
loved by Rebeckah.

Let me have some stew,
said Esau. Sure, said Jacob;
Sell me your birthright.

I’m starving to death,
what’s the use of my birthright?
Swear to me! I swear.

Trading his birthright
Esau ate the stew with bread,
and went on his way.

Short term benefit
or some vague future increase;
what would be my choice?

© Ken Rookes 2023

Ordinary Sunday 15 Year A. I am focusing on the Old Testament, the story of Jacob and Esau, in Genesis chapter 25. For poetic reflections on the Gospel for this Sunday check the archives for July 2020, 2017, and 2014. For 2020 click here.

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